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Calendula officinalis

Hardy Annual

Height 60cm

Colours pale yellow through to deep orange.


Cheerful blooms in a variety of orange and yellow shades. Very easy to grow and not fussy about location.

Sow in autumn or spring. Plant out when risk of frost is over.  Will flower all summer long until the first frosts.



Approx number of seeds 40

Cut blooms regularly to encourage more flowers to form.

Vase Life up to 5 days


Delivery to UK addresses only.


All of the seeds that I sell here at Cherry Tree Flower Farm are the ones that I use myself on the flower field to be grown for bunches, bouquets and other arrangements. Some are seeds that I source from commercial suppliers and a growing number are those that I harvest by hand myself from open pollinated flowers grown here, all without chemicals of any kind. I have been growing here on the same plot in the northwest of England for over two decades and all of my flowers are grown outside.

Calendula Mixed Shades

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